Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Flight

This weekend has been one of the longest ever. All day wedding. Being sick. Grandma Staples passing away. More photo sessions.  I realize I brought some of it on myself, but all the unplanned things really took me for a spin.  One fabulous thing about this weekend, is I got to go on a joy flight ride with my husband and cousin, Sarah. We had a BLAST. It was a great way to relax and forget everything going on, even if it was just an hour..I LOVED it!

Sarah and I getting ready for take off!!!

The plane Adam flies!

This is about half the gadgets in the plane..Adam made me fly the plane, and Sarah can vouch it was the worst 2 minutes of the flight. Clearly, pilot is NOT in my future!

My hunny. Love him.

My cousin, Sarah. So glad she came with us!

Love love love this picture! Thanks Sarah, for taking it!

You can see the Logan temple!

Pretty sure I live in one of the prettiest places on earth..I'm determined to go for another flight in fall!!!

The next few pictures are pictures of the pipeline Adam worked on this last year. It was so fun to fly over and see what they did! Pretty crazy...everything that looks like a wide dirt road, that's the pipe!

My camera was horizontal from me..we were taking a sharp turn!

Smooth landing!


  1. Gorgeous pictures! Especially the first ;)
    I didn't know you went flying this weekend! But yesterday when I was driving home someone was flying in the near distance & making a sharp turn... I thought to myself "how cool would it be if that was Rach!" Haha. I'm a dreamer I know!!

  2. that thing after "especially the first" is supposed to be a winky face lol
