Sunday, August 8, 2010

Update Update Update...

Gosh. Where does time go?!

Emma had her MRI on July 14th (I think)? It was a very long long day. She wasn't allowed to eat for 8 hours before since they had to sedate her. The appt was at 10. So, if you've ever had a baby who loves food like mine (pretty sure that's all babies), you see what my dilema was. I stayed up and fed her every 2 hours until I wasn't allowed to anymore. I had hoped that would help her since she has been sleeping through the night with no food for months now, it would be like delaying her foodless nights.

My daughter amazes me. She smiled, and giggles and laughed the whole trip to SLC. The whole time in the hospital. She cried maybe 2 minutes while they were putting in her IV...then she was back to all smiles.

They gave her one bag of fluids before the sedation. I was holding her and it was the strangest thing, how sudden and "lifeless" she was. It was quick. A nurse took her from me, set her in the MRI machine, and she woke up. Talking, kicking her legs, smiling again. LoL. So, they had to give her another medication on top of what she already had. I laughed so hard. She was talking so loud and kicking so much, and it slowly started to slow down. She was trying to kick, but her legs were just getting too heavy. She was trying to talk, and ended up sounding drunk. LoL.

Mom & I went to get lunch and cheesecake during the MRI. We were told it would take about 45 minutes. We got back a little early, and she was already in recovery. She slept for another hour or so. Then we woke her up. Again, drunk baby. She drank 10 oz. of apple juice..very very quickly (they were only allowing clear liquids until she was released from recovery). The nurses warned us that most babies and kids are very upset when they wake up. They don't like how they feel and how unstable they are, etc. Not my Emma. She was happy as can be..Just about every nurse commented on how they couldn't believe it. LoL.
We had to wait around for a few hours before we got to meet with her nuerologist. But, she was happy, she slept some, so we were okay to people watch. That hospital breaks my heart. So stinkin' sad, the condition some of those young kids are in... :'(

We got a good report. Her brain looked totally normal and healthy. The part of the brain that usually shows seizure activity, or a seizure disorder was normal. FEW! So, like we thought, her seizures were infact a "reverse side effect" from her vaccines.

We have been given a vaccine schedule. She is not allowed to have the pertussis part of the dTap vaccine. Which makes me worry about her getting whopping cough. So, I think Adam and I will go get the adult vaccine to try and prevent it all we can!

A week or so later, she got a cold...which turned into strep...which I caught..which my poor cousin, who was nice enough to babysit once before we knew she had it, caught. After 2 doctor visits. 2 weeks. and lots of meds, we are all better and back to norm!

This is my sick baby. LoL

My family surprised me this weekend and came to visit. I had so much fun. It's always the best when there is nothing planned. We aren't meeting up for a baby shower or funeral or anything else besides just hanging out.
We went swimming. shopping. ate some yummy food. played Mario Cart with Jordan & Gerrit long distance. ate more yummy food. girls painted nails. talked a LOT. blew bubbles outside (which Bear was way more entertained by...pouncing, chasing and barking at was a good laugh) we just hung out and had FUN!
Love you Emma.
Love you Adam.
Love you Mom.
Love you Dad.
Love you Whit.
Love you Mike (even though you weren't there).
Love you Gordy (even though you were distant, LoL).
Love you Bear & Koda too.
Thanks for a fantastic weekend! :)

Trying to get the camera!

We love to splash in the water!

She seems concerned that someone is going to take away her new favorit toy/water bottle. Ha. What a silly but very cute girl!

1 comment:

  1. I love updates more than you know!! hehe

    That's funny how she was just happy as can be during her MRI situation. That's so her! Sweetest girl ever! And I'm so glad everything turned out okay with her brain.

    You guys are all back to normal now & that's such great news! Glad life is getting back on track!

    Those pool pictures are adorable. I crack up at the last photo everytime. She's so lucky to be in your family. So much love & happy times! I remember those were my happier times of my life.. around you & your family.

    Miss you all so much! Let's get these rascals together ASAP! :)
