Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mommy's Little Monster

Enough said! Not only is she going through some annoyingly huge growth spurt (the constant eating. pooping-gross,sorry. not sleeping all night anymore, etc), but she is now into EVERYTHING. I knew the day would come, I just pretended it wasn't for a while! Between the butt scooting, army crawling, rolling, and assisted walking, she wants and HAS TO BE on the go, go, go! With Adam working so stinkin' much (which I absolutely hate by the way-he loves the work, so that's what matters) I feel so much like a single mommy! :( My family is hopefully taking a trip north to visit this coming weekend, & I can't wait...Maybe I'll get some help painting the kitchen/living room area...FINALLY!

Aunt Jordan got Emma this adorable little outfit! Her babe has the matching one for boys! Now, if only we could get them together...that'd be a super picture opportunity!

Ahhhhhh...IF ONLY! :) Love ya Jordan! Thanks for the adorable outfit!

Nap time is apprently over. I'm out.


  1. My Emma is going through the EXACT same thing. It has been say the least.

    What do you put in her hair to make it stay cute curly? I havn't figured out quite how to do that yet.

  2. I usually just spray water on it if we're hanging out at home. But, if we are going out, I just use a tiny bit of mousse. I also LOVE the spray gel..Just a spritz is all it takes and the curls stay!

  3. HOLY MOLY I LOVE THAT PICTURE!! Haha. I've seen both of them, but put them together & wow... too sweet. They will get together. Someday. And hopefully someday soon!

    I'm sorry you're alone so much. That's never fun to feel like a single mommy :( But remember I'm always just a phone call/text away. And we need to skype like NOW okay?? Let's get on this!!!

  4. Oh! And do you have gates to block off certain parts of your house? Since she's so mobile now I'm guessing a gate would be quite helpful. I have to use one in my tiny apartment. And shut all the doors (which in this old place the doors barely latch shut). This begins a whole new time for us :O AHHH!

  5. I just have a gate infront of the stairs going to the basement. That's all. Everything else just gets shut. My dad says we're going to baby proof the doors, cabinets, toilets,outlets, etc this weekend too..Should be fun! I just wanna paint darn it! LoL.

  6. The crazy baby-proofing totally reminded me of the Friends episode where Joey can't open anything... not even the toilet. "So I can't do anything I like??!!"

    Let's make a date to watch some Friends or Office together okay? :D

  7. I'm so up for a Friends/Office date! Text me!!!
